The ancient pugilist arts.The sweat science.

If you are looking for a practical proven martial art that is both street effective as well as a time honored sport, few disciplines are as battle tested and universally respected as boxing.

First off … boxing is fun. It’s FUN FUN. The game of “thump your opponent before and more often than your opponent thumps you” never seems to get old. It’s fun to do, it’s fun to watch. Its been fun for many thousands of years and it will be fun for many more.

But what some people don’t realize is just how many OTHER life changing things come with training in the ageless striking art.


First and foremost is confidence. The more you punch and get punched in your spare time the more you will notice the size of regular life stressors shrink before you. You won’t know if your stressors are getting smaller or you’re getting bigger, but you WILL see it. You will notice the obnoxious volume of regular challenges turn down to a comic low squeaking as your confidence mutes the barking of all life’s intimidation tactics. With the simple act of regular training, the spirit of a lion will take its place in your very root and the things you once feared will only stir a chuckle recalling.


It’s hard to understate how good boxing will be for your fitness. There is a reason people ask … “are you just fit? Or are you FIGHT FIT?” Boxing increases your muscle mass. It turbo boosts your cardio vascular system. You loose weight. It even strengthens joints.


The “stress relief” boxing gives you is not only psychological but physical as well. Need an aggressive outlet … we got all you need. Need to punch away the small stuff … swing until ALL the small stuff is gone. Does Jim in accounting got you considering how many years in prison it’s worth to make him go away? … With the help of our heavy bags you can sweat out all of Jim’s annoyance and leave him in a puddle of sweat on the floor.


Hard physical training that tests your grit, fortitude, and truest self, with all its vulnerability, creates a bond between those who train with you. You go through the journey together. You grow together. Through the highs and lows. Through the victories and defeats. This creates a bond together that grows strong. Like soldiers in war, you and your team mates place each other in a unique respected, honored place that can at times even grow stronger than family bonds. In the real training you get get real friends, memories and connections that will last strong for the rest of your life.

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