Kick Boxing

Come train with us in the most effective striking art on the planet; Muay Thai.Here you will train and learn no nonsense striking techniques that are demonstrably reliable and have been continually proven effective even against professional full contact fighters.

In just a short period of time you will have the tools to successfully defend yourself against a larger stronger forward moving aggressor. And as you become proficient in the art through conditioning and training you will even be able to fend off multiple attackers.

What is Muay Thai?

Joe knees opponent in stomach

A martial art originating in 17th century Thailand, that is commonly called “The Art of Eight Limbs.” It is called that because practitioners use 2 fists, 2 feet, 2 elbows and 2 knees. The Muay Thai practitioner vigorously conditions his or her body, particularly the shins and forearms to be used effectively in offense and defense.

All manner of strikes are used in Muay Thai as well as some clinch fighting which is commonly disallowed in other striking martial arts. For this reason Muay Thai offers it’s practitioners a significant advantage as it maintains a complete stand up fighting system.

Also because Muay Thai is a full contact sport, its natural evolution weeds out ineffective techniques and promotes effective no nonsense application and training, while keeping an open mind about innovations that might offer the art a advantage in actual combat.

If you feel more inclined towards a stand up striking form or martial art, Muay Thai is defiantly your best choice.

Joe kicks opponent in the head

for a Free Week of training till the end of March